Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lazy Sunday

It's a Sunday down here and I feel rather lethargic. I have a pile of homework to do (mainly maths) and no motivation to do it. I am bored witless, titless and shitless (a favourite expression of my crazy uncle) and I have nothing to blog about. It's a bit leechy to sustain a blog with videos, but hey, they shouldn't have built that feature into YouTube if they didn't want people to do it.
I've been surfing Blogmad so much that I've seen the same blogs several times already. And they don't get any more interesting the second time round (I suppose that happens with my blog as well.) Anyway, another day, another post; I'll try and maintain my daily posting quota for as long as I can, and after that, well, I don't know.
I've been looking into freeware games to quell my boredom; a good source is (they have plenty of freeware projects) and also
My brother has consented to buying a DVD box set from England with MY ebay account (technically it's not mine - I'm too young - but I'm the one who uses it) and I've had to do a whole lot of crap just to get my account to do international transfers (thanks a lot bro). I had to call up the people, head into the branch, and now have to wait several days. Not only this, my account won't make any transfers because the guy on the phone screwed up.
Anyway, until tomorrow (if I have something to post).