Friday, August 18, 2006

Debating: Getting Into Smart Mode

We went to the library today to miss out on some periods and work on our speeches. While we didn't actually get any real writing done, we did manage to get some in-depth analysis sorted. Unfortunately, we were an incomplete team; not only was Trung in *cough* Queensland, but Mocca (I mean Aniket) was too high and mighty to miss out on R.E. and Sculpture. I mean, seriously, they're possibly the two most pointless subjects in the history of education. I'm never, ever, and thats a fact, going to use anything I've learnt in Religion in real life. It's not like I'm going to be at a job interview, and the interviewer will say, "Well, I would give you the job... if you could tell me what the Council of Trent achieved." Same with Sculpture. So why wouldn't he come? I don't know. Anyway, we coped without him; Nick contributed a fair bit to the information brainstorming session, and managed to absorb a lot.

We're planning an interview with Brother Moore on Monday; should be... interesting. We're going to probe his flab for snippets of useful information. I don't want to say something to offend him though; his blood pressure is probably through the roof as it is. Mental Note: Don't mention fat.

Anyway, Lorence is a lot smarter than I thought; he really looked beyond the obvious, and got familiar with the technicalities. He's still a Gorilla though. No offence though; I love Gorillas.

Trung is a rich bastard; I won't say why, but he knows what I mean! Give me some money! I swear I'll pay you back!

Have you ever heard of a movie and thought, 'thats stupid'? Have you heard of Snakes on a Plane? No prizes for guessing what that films about. Really? It's about snakes? On a plane? How original! And how did you come up with the title? Really? That's genius!
I don't know how this movie made it past concept stage without someone thinking: "Wow. Snakes on a Plane; thats a really stupid idea." But apparently, someone at a movie studio saw it and thought, "Ohhh! Thats genius!"

It's very hard to be yourself these days. No matter what you do, if someone else thinks its "uncool", you'll get shit for it. Sometimes I wish we lived in a world where people could express themselves without being attacked for it; like when we're in the library, trying to practice debating. There are some VCAL dicks making fools of themselves and insulting us for some benign reason. The funny thing is, they let these people stay in school. That just proves that a school is a business, and they'll do anything to get a few thousand dollars extra per year; even keep douche-heads like them. I just wonder what the world would be like if they all died in an explosion; oh, what a happy place! Lorence could dance and sing and nobody would say a thing!

Anyway, I have nothing else to write about; ciao for now.