Right now, my blog is covering several things. I think that may be part of my traffic problem; I have no single topic to attribute with my blog. I may be spreading myself to thin, making my blog fall deep into the realm of unclassifiable. I think that in order to find an audience, one must find a particular aspect of whatever they're interested in and run with it. But my problem is, if I don't write about whatever I want, I don't think I'll have enough content. I wan't to update my blog daily, but I lack a muse, or something inspirational. Blogs cater to different needs and desires for information, normally very specific ones. I head to www.engadget.com for gizmo news, and www.joystiq.com for gaming news. But what is "When Paris Was A City?" I have tips about blogging. I have personal rants. I have videos from YouTube. Can these combine successfully? Can I find that magic equilibrium to exploit? I don't know. I still don't know if I have any readers. I wonder... how do some of the blogs I've seen get readers who actively enjoy their content? How do I get mine noticed? I don't know enough about the art of blogging to select make my blog solely about that. It seems I'll just have to keep going until I strike a cord with somebody.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Niche Blogging
Right now, my blog is covering several things. I think that may be part of my traffic problem; I have no single topic to attribute with my blog. I may be spreading myself to thin, making my blog fall deep into the realm of unclassifiable. I think that in order to find an audience, one must find a particular aspect of whatever they're interested in and run with it. But my problem is, if I don't write about whatever I want, I don't think I'll have enough content. I wan't to update my blog daily, but I lack a muse, or something inspirational. Blogs cater to different needs and desires for information, normally very specific ones. I head to www.engadget.com for gizmo news, and www.joystiq.com for gaming news. But what is "When Paris Was A City?" I have tips about blogging. I have personal rants. I have videos from YouTube. Can these combine successfully? Can I find that magic equilibrium to exploit? I don't know. I still don't know if I have any readers. I wonder... how do some of the blogs I've seen get readers who actively enjoy their content? How do I get mine noticed? I don't know enough about the art of blogging to select make my blog solely about that. It seems I'll just have to keep going until I strike a cord with somebody.