I think there have to be new methods of attracting readers to your blog. Traffic exchanges don't lock the individual into actually reading your blog, simply to being on that page in that browser for 25 seconds (or however long it is, depending on what site you use). I'd rather have 1 person be a regular reader of my site than have 100 people view it. I think that bloggers should all exchange RSS feeds and URL's, with a promise and a commitment to actually regularly checking up on your blog, and actively commenting. If you could manage to regularly check on say 5 blogs, you could have 5 active readers. That's a small readership, but it's still a real readership. If any bloggers out there wan't to instigate a readership exchange, give me an e-mail at: jamesritchie@gmail.com and I'd love to read your blog.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Blog Readership Exchange
I think there have to be new methods of attracting readers to your blog. Traffic exchanges don't lock the individual into actually reading your blog, simply to being on that page in that browser for 25 seconds (or however long it is, depending on what site you use). I'd rather have 1 person be a regular reader of my site than have 100 people view it. I think that bloggers should all exchange RSS feeds and URL's, with a promise and a commitment to actually regularly checking up on your blog, and actively commenting. If you could manage to regularly check on say 5 blogs, you could have 5 active readers. That's a small readership, but it's still a real readership. If any bloggers out there wan't to instigate a readership exchange, give me an e-mail at: jamesritchie@gmail.com and I'd love to read your blog.