Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Teacher Profile: Mr. David McGrath

Being at school you meet a lot of interesting characters; one particularly... different person that I have encountered is Mr. McGrath. He teaches accounting, economics and I'm not sure what else; but thats not important. What is important is the way he is.

For starters, Mr. Mcgrath is a 60 year old man. He does not appear so; he seems a lot more youthful, but I'll get to that later. The reason why I bring his age up is because he likes to ride bikes. No, not motorbikes; he's not quite cool enough for that. He rides push-bikes. Okay, fair enough, so he rides bikes? No big deal, right? Wrong. Imagine a 60 year old man rocking up to your class in a fluro orange Huffy shirt and bike shorts. Now imagine him walking around, attempting in vain to look hip and cool; that's Mr. McGrath.

Even worse than that, is his tendency to share life stories; he loves to spin a yarn about his poor childhood, low-wage working life blah blah blah blah blah etc. But one story he told me gave me a new perspective; you see, Mr. McGrath is a 60 year old virgin. MMM.... yeah. The reason I bring this up is because you can tell where the lack of sex has skewed not only his perception of life, but his personality and appearence. Lets put it this way: he lives alone, with his cat, who he loves dearly, and has spent much time tenderly patting; WHO HAS NO NAME. Possibly the most important being in his pointless existence, and he hasn't got the time in his virgin head to say, "Hmm... Okay, you're Bootsie." Not only this, but he told us once in class that he painted an entire room in his house PINK (or some other sexually questionable colour.) Are you getting a mental picture? I think the lack of sex and strict bike-riding regime has helped him to manage his youthful looks, but unfortunately, he is still dork squared. He knows too much about the world; asking a simple question could lead to an explanation of the creation of the friggen universe. Seriously, if you get McGrath started on a topic hes interested in, good luck trying to shut him up.

Despite his flaws, he's still a good bloke; hes knowledgable and a good teacher.
I got an A+ on my Economics exam after all!