Monday, August 21, 2006

Mmm... Milk. Doesn't this just make you want to drink it? This video is proof that Korea is just as crazy as Japan. The writing is like some kind of alien insignia, but if I could make out what it said, I'm betting it would be along the lines of, "WTF?"

I wish Trung would stop making up disgusting things about Denis and Elle. I really don't want to know (secretly, because I'm just jealous of the bastard!)

We had our super special interview with Bigmaster Moore today. It was better than I thought, and very informative; however, there was one minor problem. At the beginning of the talk, he let out a hearty, throaty and mucusy cough. I bit my gums to stop myself from laughing. I really found it that funny. I could tell Aniket was holding it in as well!