Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mmm... Spam.

I noticed I've been getting a couple comments from someone called "Anonymous" that are actually spam. I would delete them, but they make my blog look like people are actually reading it :) I realize that I, too, am a bit of a spammer; although to a lesser degree. I've practically barraged the Internet with self-centered promotions, trawling through and posting in forums, adding my link to countless directories, and commenting for the sake of it just in a vain quest to get my blog read. I realize now, that I probably spent more time (unsuccessfully) promoting than writing good content. Whats the point of people reading your blog, if all they're going to read is garbage? I think that the thrill of traffic is a sort of self-assurement that you're opinions and ideas are interesting. That might be where the appeal of blogging lies; the fact that other people might think that you have something worthwhile to say. There are a lot of different blogs, and I think that blogs pushing an agenda (like the countless political blogs) aren't really blogs at all; at least in my definition of a blog. I think a blog should be an unfiltered, personal account of whatever springs to mind; if you had a written journal, would you write about politics in it? I've been trapped into writing crap as well (not that I'm saying political blogs are crap; I quite like the passion for politics). I mean, posting YouTube videos isn't exactly great content. Anyway, I've gotten off topic again... What was the topic? Oh yeah, spam. Yeah, spam is bad.