Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Zen of Interesting
What makes a blog interesting? I've seen plenty of personal blogs where it's just rant about lives that have dozens of comments on every post. I've also seen plenty of great posts go completely unnoticed, although I'm not discredeting personal blogging (I do that myself). If I wrote everything that came into my head, or simply detailed my day in a post, would anyone read it? I'm afraid that even most of the stuff I write now would go unnoticed if I didn't use traffic exchanges. So the question is; how do I build up a readership that doesn't rely on a system like BlogMad, or BlogExplosion? I'm not sure. I've submitted to directories, set up my feed so theres plenty of options for subscription, but I think someones having a lend of me with my Feedburner; it went from 6 readers to 20 very quickly, and I think a few of them are the same person subscribing multiple times. So I have to find something interesting to blog about, that people will read, for longer than the 25 seconds required to earn their credit. I've tried to diversify; I've put in a shoutbox, added some videos, and done a few blogging tips. But still, I'm not sure if I have even 1 genuine reader. What I am sure of is that I'm not the only one in this position.