I purchased a portable music and video player off Ebay, and it arrived around 7 days later. I wasn't expecting much to be honest; it was obviously a cheap Ipod Nano knock-off. But I was delightfully surprised when it arrived. The aesthetic style, although borrowed from Apple's machine, was very pleasing to the eye; instead of having a functional click-wheel, it instead has five buttons, but the circle pad upon which they are placed is still a nice touch. It's compact and lightweight, although I think it might be slightly clunkier than the Nano. It came with a bland, but informative manual, which was pretty useful in working out the various functions. It came with a travel charger, which has a USB slot on the back, so that the supplied USB plugs into it. It also came with a standard pair of white earbuds, not unreminiscent of iPod earbuds. Finally, it came with a reduced size CD-Rom which contained the software required to convert movies to the proprietary AMV format.
As for quality? Well, the music playback sounds average to above average with both earbuds in, and the video quality is pretty shocking. Well, the screen is basically way too small to realistically watch anything apart from Video Podcasts where the hosts basically sit down. Whenever there is movement in the camera angle, the screen jags heavily and the image becomes wavy. The user interface is pretty, and easy to navigate, although first time users may have trouble changing settings.
My verdict? Well, if you're not THAT big on video, and you have money to burn, opt for a brand name MP3 player rather than this. If you need to watch video, no matter how small the screen, and you're on a budget, go for the generic knock-offs; you'll save some money, and gain some extra functionality.