In order to keep a blog interesting, sometimes you need to change up your content from just rants and pictures with a new type of media. As videoblogging becomes easier with services like YouTube, it seems like a viable option; perhaps where regular blogs are the thing today, videoblogs will be the thing tomorrow. When you can see the writer and hear the writer, it gives you a clearer understanding of them and what their writing about. I've found a website from the people who made called It's a piece of flash software that lets you record short video messages wth your webcam, and supplies HTML code with which you can embed the messages in your blog or website. It could be used to create easy videblog messages, or just a short welcome video you could put in the sidebar of your blog. Also, as I mentioned before, YouTube makes it easy to insert videos into your blog; after recording and uploading, and setting up the "blog it" feature of your Youtube account, you can easily insert your video (or any other video for that matter) into your blog.
I've ordered a webcam off Ebay, and when it arrives, I'll try out a few video posts. It should make for some interesting content... or, be boring as hell. I might even make some short video podcasts. Thats a picture of it there; looks pretty snazzy, huh? It should arrive in a week or so.