Responsibility for the tragic events which occured in the small town of
Although in a physical sense, Jared didn’t directly instigate the crime, he certainly could’ve prevented it, or provided assistance in finding the felons. When Jared took leave of the rave party being held in the local surf club to take a stroll on his own, what he saw would change his fate forever. As he sat atop a rocky crag, silent and thoughtful, he gazed upon the pristine sands and the frothing, swaying waves. But when he did, his eyes caught sight of something horrible; a rape in progress. As he watched what began innocently enough, or at least innocently by Blackrock standards, he saw the situation degrade into something much worse. He sat there, shocked and in horror, yet failing to respond, to react, to cease the crime. It would have taken nothing to stop it, yet he didn’t. It was at this point that Jared became intertwined with the threads of the crime, and he only served to push himself deeper into the mud the next morning. His mother, waking him up, quizzed him about what had occurred: ‘What time did you leave that party?’ Jared could think of nothing but to return to the sweet embrace of slumber. Upon hearing what had happened, his immediate reaction was not sympathy, or grief, but instead he began aggressively defending himself, even blaming
The most potent factor of all the driving forces behind what amalgamated to cause this crime was the actual rapists themselves; Scott, Davo and Toby. These young individuals, throwing their life away in an instant, took turns violating an innocent girl like her existence was worth nothing. If it weren’t for the actions of these three individuals most of all, perhaps the town of Blackrock would have remained the sleepy, calm and secluded beach town it once was. But instead, they made the worst decision of their life which would leave the worst scar on Blackrock in it’s history. In their selfish quest for thrills, they violently and guiltlessly forced a girl to have unconsented sex with them, and it is through this that they are the single most responsible individuals for the events that occur in the book than all others combined. But, it wasn’t only the fault of these three; Ricko, upon finding the bleeding girl in pain, took advantage of her current state. As he tried to tarnish her one more time, she retaliated, and Ricko struck her with a rock to defend himself. It was at this point, that Tracy Warner died, and the town of
There is a final party in this terrible sequence of events that should bear some of the responsibility for what occurred, and that is the town itself. Before
In closing, there was no single force behind what occurred. It was caused by a combination of issues that culminated in the rape and murder of Tracy Warner, including the town, the perpetrators, and Jared, but no matter the cause, it was certainly a night that Blackrock would never forget.